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Why Use Paper

Paper and print, when managed responsibly and sustainably, can actually be good for the environment in several ways. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Renewable Resource: Paper comes from trees, which are a renewable resource. Responsible paper production involves replanting trees and managing forests sustainably, ensuring a continuous supply of wood for paper making while maintaining the health of ecosystems.
  2. Carbon Capture: Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as they grow. By using paper, we support the continued growth of trees, which helps capture and store carbon, mitigating the effects of climate change.
  3. Recyclability: Paper is one of the most recyclable materials. Recycling paper reduces the demand for virgin wood pulp, conserving natural resources and energy. Recycled paper also requires less water and produces fewer emissions during the manufacturing process.
  4. Biodegradability: Unlike many synthetic materials, paper is biodegradable. When discarded properly, it decomposes relatively quickly compared to plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, reducing landfill waste.
  5. Print’s Low Environmental Impact: With advancements in printing technology and eco-friendly practices, the environmental impact of print has significantly reduced.
    Environmentally conscious printing practices include using vegetable-based inks, energy-efficient printing equipment, and recycled or FSC-certified paper.
  6. Sustainable Forest Management: Many paper companies adhere to sustainable forest management practices, which involve planting more trees than they harvest, protecting wildlife habitats, and maintaining biodiversity.
  7. Supporting Rural Communities: The paper and print industry often supports rural communities that depend on forestry for their livelihoods. Sustainable forestry practices can create job opportunities and promote economic growth in these regions.
  8. Preserving Forest Land: The demand for paper products incentivizes landowners to maintain forests rather than converting them into non-forest uses. This preservation helps protect biodiversity and prevents urban sprawl.
  9. Information Access and Communication: Print remains an essential medium for education, communication, and information dissemination, especially in areas with limited access to technology or reliable internet connections.
  10. Recycling Infrastructure: The paper industry’s reliance on recycled materials helps promote and support recycling infrastructure, encouraging better waste management practices in society.